The Mystery of Caps and Crowns Aurora: Are They The Same?
Many people are confused about caps and crowns in Aurora. However, these terms mean the same thing. The dental crown is another term for a dental cap. Having a crown installed can restore the function and appearance of your teeth.
Caps and crowns explained
The dentist uses tooth caps and crowns to cover a damaged tooth due to severe decay or trauma. They are the best options for dental restoration since they resemble natural teeth. There are several types of crowns available, and your dentist will choose the one that is best for you. Here is a look at the different types of crowns :
1. Porcelain crowns
When it comes to replacing the front teeth, they are the best option. The material used in porcelain crowns matches a natural tooth. They do not harm the body’s tissues since they do not contain metal.
2. Gold crowns
There are cases when the molars need replacement, and for this case, your dentist may use gold crowns. Although they are the most durable type of crown, the colour is a bit distracting and expensive.
3. Porcelain fused to metal crowns
The combination of alloy and porcelain makes this crown endure chewing pressure. These crowns offer durability and aesthetics.
When is a crown an option?
You may need a dental crown or cap if you have the following teeth conditions :
- A cracked tooth that needs clamping
- A weak tooth that needs protection
- A discoloured teeth
- A cover for a dental implant
- A dental bridge that needs support
- A severely damaged tooth that needs restoration
If you think you need a dental crown, consult your Aurora dentist. They can evaluate your teeth and provide the best treatment for you.
Dental crowns for better oral health
A dental cap is not only used for cosmetic reasons, but they also help keep your mouth healthy. If you need a dental crown, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with your Aurora dentist to help restore your smile.
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