FAQS About Getting Dental Sealants In Aurora For Your Kids
Are you considering getting dental sealants in Aurora for your kids? Then you’re making an excellent choice. Dentists recommend sealants to help safeguard your child’s teeth against decay and cavities. We have compiled the frequently asked questions about sealants.
Guide questions about dental sealants in Aurora
Sealants are helpful for kids whose teeth are still growing. If you are considering dental sealants for your child, these guide questions will help you make an informed decision whether they are suitable for your kids.
1. What are dental sealants?
Resins are the materials used for sealants. To prevent cavities in children, dentists recommend sealing the surface of the child’s permanent molars when they are between six to fourteen years old.
2. What are the benefits of dental sealants?
The benefits of sealants are exceptional for children who eat foods high in sugar or lack the skill to brush their teeth thoroughly. Sealants prevent cavities and limit the spread of bacteria in the mouth. They help strengthen teeth. Sealants also keep pits and fissures from forming on the teeth.
3. What will my kids expect during the procedure?
The procedure of applying sealants is painless and quick. First, the dental hygienist will make sure that the teeth are clean. The dental hygienist paints the sealant materials on the chewing surfaces of the teeth and uses a UV light to harden the liquid sealant.
4. Will my child expect any side effects from the procedure?
Sealants may make your child’s bite feel different after the procedure. You don’t need to worry because their bite will adjust within a few days. After the procedure, your child can immediately eat and drink.
5. How long do sealants last?
The lifespan of sealants can last for five to ten years. However, they may wear out over time. Because of this, your child should see their Aurora dentist every six months for a check-up and evaluation of the dental sealants that need reapplication.
Save your child’s teeth
Contact your Aurora dentist today if you have a child who needs dental sealants. With their quality dental care, your child will be healthy and happy!
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